We also offer customers the option to save with our budget discounts (now available on most low volume orders) that can cut your costs by as much as 50%, while still maintaining the same high quality standards on DiscMasters products and service!
Your Discount Criteria:
- The finished order will be sent to you in bulk and you package the discs & packaging yourself (Example: most orders can be packaged by hand in 30 minutes or less!)
2. Customer/You agree to allow us to place DiscMasters.com on your disc imprint… you save money – and we get some valuable promotion with your much appreciated help! (see example disc above)
How do I set up my order?
Setting up your discount couldn’t be easier…
1. simply email your sales person and let them know you want the discount option. (this is typically the person you have been emailing already)
2. or just complete the discount request form below and we will contact you & confirm your order: