CD Cover Art Templates Packaging and Designs
<< SCROLL these images (or swipe on your phone) to view samples of our CD Cover Art Template Packaging & Design Services. DiscMasters CD Template Design offers CD Design and World-Class Cover Artwork with custom illustrations & ideas for every customer and every budget…
Contact us to discuss your CD design plans and receive pricing and cover art templates for your cd graphic designs, artwork & proofs… CLICK BELOW and tell us about your artwork needs… design concepts, ideas, etc… we’re at your service!
CD Design Art Templates

Professional CD Cover Art Template Packaging & Design services from Disc Masters can greatly enhance the impact of your release. DiscMasters can design your cd graphics and cd design production needs at any project level. Our Team of artists and graphic designers stand ready to fulfill your design desires… From basic art setup & layouts… packaging & branding, logo designs, disc art, covers & cd booklet templates, song titles on CD Design, …to breathtaking world-class custom illustrations & design. Services include:
- CD Template.Design (quick art/template setup)
- CD Cover.Design (custom covers & disc art)
- (full graphic design & layout)

DiscMasters can handle your CD Cover Design from start to finish… We can process your digital files, photos, text, disc images, artwork set-up, credits, thank-you’s, song titles, logos, etc.. as well as art files from professional design applications on Macintosh (Mac) or Windows (PC) platforms. From custom design to final packaging templates, we’ll pull all the pieces together for you… delivering top-notch cd cover designs for our clients!