Music makers Disc Mastering Services
Our Music makers Disc Mastering offers Free Online Audio Mastering, CD Mastering, and Stem Mastering & Music Promotion Services… custom tailored for Artists, Bands, and Music Makers of every style/genre. DiscMasters world-class Mastering Engineers and Professional Digital.Audio app free mastering program stands ready to take all the music you make to the next level…

Music Makers Disc Mastering Options:
Music Makers Disc Mastering online Services include the following:
- HQ WAV AIFF MP3 formatting & Processing
- Analog Mastering & Buss Gain Staging (Sympathetic Harmonic & Complimentary Distortion/Slew Options)
- Smart EQ Processing (Dynamic EQ’s & AI banding)
- Track Fades/Transitions (seamless) Fade-Ins & Fade-Outs
- DDP IMAGING and Check-Sum Verification
- Subcode-G Encoding Services (CD TEXT, ISRC etc)
- Album, EP, Single PQ’s Sequencing & Pre-Gaps
- Compression, Limiting, ComPanding, Dynamics Perception
- Mastered for Tape, Vinyl, Digital, and Consumer Audio
- Control Audio Harshness, Transient Distortion, & Clipping
- Stereo Imaging, 3D Stereo Widening, & Surround Sound
- Increased Clarity, Warmth, Punchiness, Width & Depth Perception
Music makers Disc Masters online
Customers that want to begin our free mastering program can upload online via our secure Music makers disc master upload (see below) and hear the difference professional audio mastering can make …on the music YOU MAKE! – Click Below to Start:
NEW Ultra High-Definition Audio Mastering Services
Customers who demand the Ultimate Mastering Results can now check out our NEW Ultra High-Definition Mastering Stem Services and experience a whole new Audio Mastering Experience – Clients who MUST have the absolute best mastering results in today’s competitive music market can check out Disc Masters New Stem Mastering for the Ultimate Sound Experience!