Disc Mailing Service & Media On Demand CD orders
Our fulfillment Disc Mailing Service & Media on-demand CD orders allows you to sell and fulfill your CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray media world-wide. Discs can be assembled into a variety of media packaging options and fulfilled in virtually any combination of unique materials worldwide via Mail, & Parcel Delivery Services like FedEx, UPS, DHL etc..
CD Distribution
DiscMasters CD distribution offers full-service delivery including drop shipping directly to end user(s) using Mail/USPS, FedEx, DHL, or UPS Parcel Class services… We also offer inventory warehousing for future distribution needs.
Pickup & Delivery
DiscMasters built our Pickup & Delivery niche in the market around fast and accurate delivery of customer CDs and DVD media. Disc sales can be fulfilled Locally, Regionally, or Globally. Our distribution mailing & fulfillment rates are some of the best in the industry due to the large volume of packages we fulfill weekly.
CD On Demand Media Mailings
Client Deliveries and Digital Media on Demand Mailings with web point of sales can be administrated and fulfilled directly to your end customers on demand!

We also offer blind shipment services to protect your product branding and good will… Ask us today how we can help you with our on demand media production, fulfillment, and mailing services!